Revisar Virus?

Hoaxbusters site. Formerly the Incident reporting site at Lawrence Livermore National Labs, this site has become quite the resource for squashing the chain-letter virus hoaxes that come into my mail box. Mostly I ignore them, but when the come from family members of close family friends, I have to take action. I’ve finally added this site to my Computers page under the General Windows Stuff heading. There is actually a LOT of good information there! Anyhow, I must be getting ready for work now. Thanks for visiting and Keep Coming Back!!!]]>

4 thoughts on “Revisar Virus?”

  1. Hoaxes are a virus within themselves, my favorite is the jdbmngr.exe one that was sent out to most of my (former) company, the president actually deleted this file from his hard drive as the Hoax email suggested! Even after i had sent out numerous warning emails about it…..About 50% of the workforce in that place liked to ACT on thoes hoax emails. Stupidity.
    Sweet site, it’s on my new read list.

  2. I love hoaxes, as they reaffirm that humanity really DOES need culling. ‘Specially my family. I educate them (or try to) that messages saying PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK AND SACRIFICE A SQUIRREL IMMEDIATELY!!!1!11!! pretty much guarantees that the emails are fake. Then, I don’t get any more of those warnings, for about a day.

  3. Wow! Three responses from three different folks all within 24 hours! Holy cow! Thanks, y’all!
    And in all actuality, I haven’t received any more of the Revisar Virus mails. Yup, it’s the jedgmgr.exe hoax. I can’t tell you how many times in the past I received it while I was at Transmeta. Amazing…

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