Experience vs. Knowledge

MCSE coursebook later today and going over that. I’ve been talking about getting it for quite a while, so why not start working on it? An MCSE would be very beneficial if I want to continue in a business environment – as desktop support or a windows sysadmin. I was thinking about it last night after I got over my initial funk – something that took me about 10 hours. I have a friend who attained his CCNA through self-study. If he can do it for that, why can’t I do it for MCSE? Or even look into the CCNA myself. After all, Networking is the arena I’d ultimately like to be playing in. So maybe this is the kick in the pants I’ve been looking for. Now I just need to find out which books I need to buy and hope I can afford them. LOL That’s it from me for now. Thanks for visiting and Keep Coming Back!!!]]>

3 thoughts on “Experience vs. Knowledge”

  1. Well . . . you are certainly intelligent enough to do =any= of those courses, and you certainly have the experience/knowledge to do them.
    There will never be a better time — and then look at the ammunition you’ll have when job searching. Folks will be coming to look for you!
    Go get ’em, tiger!
    Love ya’!
    Ol’ Dad

  2. Well you know I feel the same way, but sometimes you just get to comfortable where you are and feel like why should I make any changes. I guess that’s the stability in life that does that to you, but then you get that urge to say I want more. I haven’t gotten there my self yet but with leaving cablevision a year ago, I think that I have started to make my move, yet slow, starting to get there. I know what you mean by getting your MCSE although, silly silly microsoft. Just a piece of paper you may think, that’s what I thought, but alot companies look for that, even just plain old A+. You know all the stuff you learned when you were like 12 and you built your first computer. It’s a funny world we live in where even if you have the experience people or interviewers may not take you seriously because you don’t have any certs. but just like Uncle Jim said companies will throw jobs at you, I’ve heard where people have reached CCIE and people getting jobs thrown at them. so I guess you need to reach that level for that to happen. Just remember this just like GI JOE “knowing is half the battle”
    have a good one
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  3. Well you know I feel the same way, but sometimes you just get to comfortable where you are and feel like why should I make any changes. I guess that’s the stability in life that does that to you, but then you get that urge to say I want more. I haven’t gotten there my self yet but with leaving cablevision a year ago, I think that I have started to make my move, yet slow, starting to get there. I know what you mean by getting your MCSE although, silly silly microsoft. Just a piece of paper you may think, that’s what I thought, but alot companies look for that, even just plain old A+. You know all the stuff you learned when you were like 12 and you built your first computer. It’s a funny world we live in where even if you have the experience people or interviewers may not take you seriously because you don’t have any certs. but just like Uncle Jim said companies will throw jobs at you, I’ve heard where people have reached CCIE and people getting jobs thrown at them. so I guess you need to reach that level for that to happen. Just remember this just like GI JOE “knowing is half the battle”
    have a good one

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