Home Cooked

Taco Bell for Lunch and In-N-Out. The difference was amazing. The food from Taco Bell seemed bland, and even though dinner at In-N-Out was tasty, it wasn’t as satisfying as doing my own food preperation. Even heating up a frozen Pizza was more fulfilling than Fast Food. I was amazed. I went grocery shopping on Friday evening for the first time in about a month. Even though I did buy lots of frozen “quick-fix” food, I’m still eating at home. I’ve made a choice to eat at home for a while. We’ll see how well I stick to it. Anyway… (I’m rambling.) So I got use out of my skillet today for the first time in at least 5 months! I made some Hamburger Helper Stroganoff for dinner this evening. Yes, another first for me in a long time. Actually, it’s been about two or more years since I’ve made Hamburger Helper. I forgot how tasty this stuff could be. And I had enough to get my fill and still have leftovers! Wow! I’m really beginning to like this cooking at home thing. Oh yeah – I got milk when I went shopping. Cereal’s yummy, isn’t it? Okay, I think I’m rambling. I think I’ll end this here. Thanks for visiting and Keep Coming Back!!!]]>

7 thoughts on “Home Cooked”

  1. Good for you — on the “home cookin’.” Maybe I can give you a few tips on quick and easy “home cookin'” that’s cheaper — and certainly every bit as =easy= — as the package stuff (H’burger Helper) that you can do yourself. Keep pushin’ them resumes out!

  2. Yes – resumes good. You need to get outta the house, boy!! Social interaction good!!!
    Well, not as good as hamburger helper – but it’s up there.

  3. I’ve got some good easy recipes that’ll make people think you’re the coolest chef in awesomeville. Of course, that’ll be beacuse they haven’t met the mayor of awesomeville… (me)
    Most of my good stuff isn’t vegan, but some of it can fit all diets with creative use of ingredients. My cooking isn’t really a map, it’s like a pointer in a general direction.
    I’ll type up some recipes so anyone who wants them can just email me. A lot of stuff I do is egg based, so if you’re not into eggs, say so, and I’ll pull out different stuff. It might be long directions, but it’s all pretty easy.

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