Ugh. Heat.

It’s not really that complicated actually… Google just wasn’t ready to have contractors who had privaleged unix access. Their security policy just didn’t allow it. My manager there faught daily to get Tracey and I the access we needed to do our jobs to the fullest. Unfortunately he ran into a brick wall everytime. After five weeks of this, it was apparent that this wasn’t going to work out anytime soon, so they backed out of the contract. Now the mixed feelings I had were about what Tracey and I were told when we were released. Taos told us that our manager went to the boss the day before and said we weren’t motivated enough to do our jobs with the limited access we had and that we weren’t working out. In a side email (I sent a “thank you for giving me the opportunity” email to the manager) I was told by the manager that he didn’t know we’d been let go until the morning after the fact. Somebody here wasn’t telling us the truth. To say that we weren’t doing all we could was far from the truth. Tracey and I were busting our asses at this job. We loved the job and wanted to keep it. (Tracey worked harder than I did, in fact!) The boss kept telling us that we could do more with less, and we applied his suggestions to our jobs. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough. I think it came down to a few things: One, we never did get the access we needed to do everything we were hired to. Two, Taos pushed VERY hard to get this contract. Apparently they’d been burned in the past by Google. I think there’s a good chance that Taos pushed a little too hard on Google once we started there. Push too hard on something fragile and sooner or later it’s going to break. Of course I could be very wrong about the whole situation, and I have been before. But it sounds to me like we weren’t told the whole truth. Either way, I’m still unemployed again. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to have worked at Google. (And yes, I’d go back if I could.) I don’t fault Taos or Google. I certainly don’t fault Tracey or Myself. I believe that it didn’t work out because it was rushed just a bit too fast and not all parties were completely ready. So what’s in store for me now? Not sure at this point, but I do know that I want to go back to school. I need to learn how to code, script, and do low-level networking for the job path I want to go into. Getting trained in C/C++, shell/perl scripting and network engineering is where I need to be. Hopefully I’ll be able to get that and still be able to live here in Santa Clara. We’ll see. If I get off my ass and do the footwork, it’ll happen in due time. Anyhow, that’s it from me for today. Thanks for visiting and Keep Coming Back!!!]]>

1 thought on “Ugh. Heat.”

  1. Interesting background. =You= are the only person who knows if you were “motivated enough to do the job with limited access.” Though . . . I =must= say it sounds as though your boss felt you were.
    As you say: =Now= is the best time for you to “get off your ass” and walk into a National University campus (or some other institution of higher learning) and sit down face-to-face and talk to someone. And . . . remember what I told you.
    Finally — did you run your “unemployed again” piece through a spell checker? Might be a good idea.
    Love ya’!
    Ole Dad

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