The things we say…

posted that I’d finally upgraded my 12″ PowerBook to a 7200RPM hard drive and that it would, “…last me for about another year before I get a new MacBook or MacBook Pro.” Well… That was January 21st, and today is March 17th. I lasted all of 1.5 months before I ended up getting that new MacBook Pro. Yes, I got this one and had it customized with the glossy widescreen display and the smaller, but much faster 200gb 7200RPM hard drive. It should arrive TODAY, according to the latest FedEx tracking report. I want to be up by 08:00, but we’ll see. I’m pretty much wide awake with anticipation. Well, that and I have clothes in the washing machine that need to be put in the dryer before I go to sleep. (Underwear and Socks, so they’re kinda important.) The laptop is due to be here by 10:30, but we’ll see. I have a feeling that it’ll be yet another day before I get it though. We’ll see. Well, I believe my laundry load is done. I’m gonna go take put it in the dryer and try to get some sleep. Thanks for visiting and Keep Coming Back!!!]]>

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